"Yannamed" is a family private medical clinic.
Our Mission states we should spread the idea:
«Medicine with a kind face!».
We have created all conditions to provide high quality medical services, professional care and comfortable stay for patients!

The clinic was founded in 20 July 2020 by two sisters Svetlana Yanovna Yakovleva and Elizaveta Yanovna Yakovleva. They are doctors and healthcare organizers. From idea to implementation, from office layout plan to office equipment, from overhaul to interior design – everything has become their common endeavor.

The name of the clinic "Yannamed" is a combination names of their parents - Yan and Anna. They have been living together for 65 years. In this year general medical experience of the family is 100 years including their mother Anna Afanasyevna. We believe that our clinic will improve and will work for a long time, like our parents' union.

Our doctors are highly qualified specialists with extensive experience who constantly improve their knowledge and skills. Currently, we have about 50 doctors of various specialties among our employees, including 10 PhD of medicine, 3 main experts of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), doctors of the highest qualification category, also specialists who have been trained abroad.

1. Pediatrician
2. Pediatric neurologist
3. Pediatric endocrinologist
4. Pediatric cardiologist
5. Ophthalmologist
6. Otorhinolaryngologist
7. Pediatric surgeon
8. Pediatric urologist-andrologist
9. Pulmonologist
10. Allergist-immunologist
11. Gastroenterologist
12. Orthopedist-traumatologist
12. Dermatologist

We try to find an individual approach to each patient. The doctors of our clinic are very responsible. Only after thorough medical examination prescribe treatment and prevention.
We work with the federal laboratory service "Helix". The quality of the international level and the management system is certified by leading international audit companies. This is the only commercial laboratory in Russia that has passed the highest level of audit and has a European quality mark. The highest standard of research and accelerated terms of analysis.

Despite the youth of our clinic, from the first days we've gained respect and appreciation of patients. This is due to the authority and professional experience of the clinic's leaders, rigorous selection for doctors, a huge arsenal of modern medical equipment, and also due to the creation of unique aesthetic and comfortable conditions within the walls of the clinic.
All types of ultrasound diagnostics (including 3D / 4D / 5D) on expert-class devices: heart and blood vessels, TKDG, abdominal organs, kidneys, bladder, thyroid gland, mammary glands, pelvic organs and determining the duration of pregnancy , lymph nodes, soft tissues, neurosonography (ultrasound of the brain for children under one year old).
* Electroencephalography (EEG)
* Electrocardiography (ECG)
* Holter ECG monitoring (Holter)
* Ambulatory blood pressure monitoring (ABPM)
* Spirography (SPG)
* Cardiofetal monitor (CTG) - determination of the quality of the fetal heartbeat
* Mammography
* Pallesthesiometry
* Stabilometry
* Sinuscan
* Colposcopy/video colposcopy
* Treatment on the device "Tonsillor"
* Treatment on the device "Visotronic MZ" (initial cataract, amblyopia,
retinal dystrophy, partial atrophy
optic nerve, compensated glaucoma).
* Plasmolifting

All types of MRI and CT examinations:
* Endoscopic examinations (FGDS, colonoscopy, RRS and others)
* All types of x-ray diagnostics
* Outpatient surgical procedures
* Day hospital

Our specialists have developed comprehensive medical programs that include the full range of necessary studies and consultations for various life situations:
-Children's annual programs (from 0 to 18 years old)
-Annual programs for the elderly "Care for parents"
- Pregnancy planning programs "9 months"
- Comprehensive gynecological programs
- Advice on family planning and pregnancy

All types of vaccination for children and adults, including the diagnosis of tuberculosis by the Mantoux test and the Diaskin test.

The department of medical tourism "Yannamedtour" is successfully working.

Modern multidisciplinary medical clinic "Yannamed" is a dynamically developing company in the healthcare sector of the republic.

It is very important for us to preserve the health of each person and that is why we are a family health clinic.

We are sure that we can offer you the best conditions for taking care of your own health.